Saturday, February 18, 2012


Hey Piggies!

Tonight. the ladies if P.i.G get the honor to play with the men of US National Improv Team, the men of Nick&Dom and the lovely ladies and beautiful men of Coach!

A dance party is sure to ensue because we're celebrating a birthday of one of our own, Miss Morgan Hill!

Come one, come all! Ryan's Daughter (350 east 85th street) at 9pm tonight!


Friday, February 17, 2012

Two Great Options to see P.i.G this weekend!

Hey Everyone! Nothing to do this weekend? Well Tivo that Whitney Houston tribute on VH1 and come out and support P.i.G!

On Saturday, it's the monthly P.i.G Roast at Ryan's Daughter! (350 85th street) 9 pm! Totally Free! Dance parties will ensue, birthdays will be celebrate (it's our very own Morgan's bday on saturday), and flirting will occur.

On Sunday, P.i.G returns to Indie Cage Match one last time to defer our title as Indie Cage Match Champions! If we win this one, we move on to CageMatch NYC. So come out on Sunday at 7:30pm at the UCBeast and cast your piggie ballots. We will be eternally grateful. I'll even give you a hug (that's a big deal guys. I'm not a hugger and I'm gonna give you the biggest, longest hug EVER if you come out and support!)

So to recap: Saturday: P.i.G, Sunday: P.i.G, Monday: Be jealous that you're not Saturday and/or Sunday.

It's a P.i.G holiday y'all!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Speaking of P.i.G lovin'

......check out the oh so lovely ladies of P.i.G rock out in our new hype video!

Being classy, fun and flirty=the way P.i.G does sexiness.

P.i.G performs TONIGHT!


We're performing at D5: Love is in the Air tonight with Out of the Woods, Sock Party and D5 at the (in)famous Triple Crown Pub at 7:30pm. Come get some pig lovin'

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

P.i.G rocks at Indie Cage Match

P.i.G doin' the damn thing at Indie Cage Match, Feb. 5, 2012!  Come back and support us, this week!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

P.i.G looking fancy after our 1st win at Indie Cage Match! We ladies want to say THANK YOU to all our wonderful friends and family who came out and supported us! YOU GUYS MEAN THE WORLD TO US! AND WE LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU WITH ALL OUR PIGGIE HEARTS!
Be sure to come out next week and support us again, as we progress through the brackets! Yippe!

And though its a wee bit late, enjoy our hype video! (That a certain nameless blogger...okay, MORGAN never put up because she's slacking)